Posts tagged with camera rig

Time passes

January 27th, 2009

Lately I been collecting images of clocks and watches for my next personal project (they are a key component). I have also been testing out the new camera rig and preparing my animatic for framing shots and animation tests. Although it’s still too early to show anything, I did sketch out designs of clocks in preparation for story boarding and style frames.

Other then that, I have been packing and gathering stuff for my journey to LA tomorrow (January 28th 2009) for interviews. I’ll see if I can get a picture or two posted… maybe even document the trip. We shall see.

Camera rig

January 19th, 2009

I am starting a new personal project and it requires some crazy camera movements. However, the default Maya camera’s suck at doing great camera moves, so I came across this badass camera rig for Maya. It’s called shotCam.

It’s a mel script Lionel Gallat wrote and can be downloaded at his website:

P.S. I also found this alternative here. It’s actually based on Lionel’s script and works just about the same.